Project Description
The Buchan Main Street and Linkages Project will boost the tourist economy by improving access to Buchan’s town centre and enhancing its appeal, encouraging people to stop, stay and spend. It will also increase accessibility for the local community to move around town more safely and instinctively.
Council secured $2.8 million for this project.
A shared path link to the Buchan Caves campground will be introduced to facilitate tourist movement between the popular tourist destination and the town proper, to encourage campers and glampers to walk or cycle to town and spend.
Social and business infrastructure will be designed to leverage the main street and linkage pathways investment and provide existing and new businesses a ‘wrap-around’ service which may include training for key skills, new events and enterprise facilitation services.
This project will be undertaken in two parts:
- Buchan Caves Reserve Linkage
- Buchan Streetscape Refurbishment
Visit the East Gippsland Shire Council YourSay page for all updates and more information on this important project for the Buchan community.